I had the grandkids for the weekend so when Saturday afternoon rolled around, the boys and I went to the quilt show on the hunt for Gramme's quilt. The oldest one, "Bear" (he's 4), understood what we were looking for. The youngest, "Chunka" (he's 2), was just enjoying the ride in the stroller being pushed by his big brother. Bear knew we were looking for a red and white quilt and with every quilt we came upon with the colors red and/or white, he'd ask: "Is that your quilt, Gramme?" "No, that's not it." I'd say. "Where is it?" "It's around here somewhere." And the hunt would continue.

After a brief photo shoot of big red, Bear made sure we went down every row to see every quilt on display (even the ones we had hurried past earlier) while Chunka navigated with the exhibit hall map. I think they enjoyed it as much as I did. Some of those quilts made me wonder how in the world did I ever rate a ribbon? (I'm not complaining, just feeling a slight bit inadequate.) No shopping for Gramme though, once we'd been down every row and saw every quilt, it was time to go. That was okay with me, I was hungry anyway. So we headed to Chili's (Bear's "favorite place") for a celebratory dinner.
Tomorrow I drop Double Vision off at the fair grounds to see if it is State Fair worthy. I'd be tickled pink just to have an honorable mention. But, with the words from a 4 year old still echoing in my head of how proud he is of me, giving me warm-fuzzies to last a lifetime, I'd be okay if the big red quilt doesn't make it on display at the State Fair ... there's always next year.
* "The big red quilt" is what I called this quilt while working on it. When it came time to enter it into competitions, I had to give it a name ("the big red quilt" just didn't seem original enough). With the help of a few friends, we came up with the name "Double Vision." In the making of this quilt - I used 12 block patterns to create 12 blocks in one color way and then the same patterns to make 12 more blocks in reverse colors. The center block is the only one without a mate. The sashing (between the blocks) is made with Double Attic Window. The diamond borders was an accident (but worked out well) because I accidentally cut double of what I had originally intended.